Sunday, October 19, 2008

Aloha Peace

Christianity Today published an interesting interview with Pastor Rick Warren, "After the Aloha Shirts". Not only will you find out why he no longer wears crazy Hawaiian shirts, but you can find out about his PEACE plan, version 2.0...

What is PEACE? The Saddleback website describes it like this:
"The P.E.A.C.E. plan is our strategy to have every small group in our church,  and then tens of thousands of small groups in other churches,  become engaged in solving the five biggest problems in the world: Spiritual Lostness, Lack of Godly Leaders, Poverty,  Disease, and Lack of Education.  These giant problems are so big that neither the governmnent, nor all the NGOs (non-government organizations) can tackle them. There is only one group large enough to tackle these global issues- the Christian church in all its local expressions around the world."

P.E.A.C.E. itself is an acronym for the key points of the plan:
  Promote Reconciliation
  Equip Servant Leaders
  Assist the Poor
  Care for the Sick
  Educate the Next Generation

What does he mean with PEACE 2.0? Saddleback has basically done a beta test of the original PEACE plan, with a focus on Rwanda , listened very extensively for feedback and suggestions, and modified their approach. Now they're basically ready to go "full scale" with PEACE and bring it to the nations and to the churches at a much higher level. In the interview Warren points out "There are three key words in 2.0: Scalable. Sustainable. Reproducible. We never sacrifice sustainability or reproducibility or scalability for speed. The faster way to do it is always to do it yourself."

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