Saturday, October 11, 2008

Back from Catalyst

I got back late last night from Atlanta, after two fantastic days at the Catalyst Conference 2008. My head is swimming with a holy swarm of challenges, information, stories, and so much to process. I could use another few days just to think through the experience, process what I've learned and renew notes, and several more days to reconnect with my beautiful wife and kids. Inbox is in good shape, but 371 posts in my RSS reader and I need to prep for teaching on Wednesday night - alas life doesn't wait...

It's a bit hard to describe Catalyst or what I learned there. Part of it is a you-just-gotta-be-there experience, but there was also a lot of practical teaching, inspirational preaching and story-telling. The theme of the conference was "Together" and much of it focused on community. Catalyst is geared toward motivating the Next Generation Leader and helping young men and women dream dreams. The challenge to the older guys (sigh... ok... us old folk) is to realize that those who come after us will be the ones to reach their generation and be the vessel through which God does the next great thing. More and more we need to encourage, coach, empower - indeed unleash younger people for ministry, those with the passion and energy to be used mightily by God. Ok, rather than wait in vain hope until I have everything figured out and neatly packaged, I'm going to get a few short posts out sooner rather than later. If you do have any questions on any of the sessions or want to know more, please ask away in the comments!

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