Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Heading to Catalyst Conference 2008

Today I leave for Atlanta to attend the Catalyst Conference! I'm pretty excited - it'll be my first time at Catalyst and I've heard some great things about it. It's a high-energy power-packed innovative-church conference aiming at raising up the next generation of leaders in the church. (Shhhh! Don't tell anyone I'm just a bit older than that demographic! Although, I still have young kids... plus I play the drums!)  With 12,000 people expected to come I don't know if I'll run into anyone I know besides the folks from Calvary, but it sure would be cool to meet some fellow bloggers!

A key theme of the conference is on Community. What is the body of Christ supposed to be? What is the church supposed to be when we're working together? What does your Community look like? Do you have people helping you to finish well? Do you have people you're walking through life with? What does it mean to be working together in community on projects? 
There's a lot of ways for you to keep up with going on at Catalyst.
  • As an experiment I'm going to try to be more active on Twitter - follow me as ltbaxter (or if you want to drink from a firehose, keep up with the hashtag #catalyst08 on twitter)
  • Your special backstage pass is at the Catalyst Backstage blog (or grab the RSS feed) - they may even show some videos from the conference here
  • The Catalyst Space website will have lots of news and articles
  • There's even a "road-trip" version of their podcast to listen to on your way there
Here are six elements of being a Catalyst Leader:
  • Passionate about God
  • Courageous in Their Calling
  • Intentional About Community
  • Engaged in Culture
  • Uncompromising about Integrity
  • Authentic in their Influence

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