Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Review - The Stewardship of Life

I wasn't sure what to expect when I got Kirk Nowery's book "The Stewardship of Life: Making the Most of All That You Have and All That You Are." I was looking to read something about stewardship that went beyond the money perspective, and saw a used copy of this book going for peanuts on Amazon. I'm very glad I did. The Stewardship of Life looks at a number of vital aspects of our life; it really expanded my view of what biblical stewardship entails.

The Stewardship of Vision
The Stewardship of Influence
The Stewardship of Commitment
The Stewardship of Time
The Stewardship of Opportunity
The Stewardship of Resources
The Stewardship of You

Nowery does an outstanding job of sharing insights and biblical principles on the many aspects of stewardship. Every opportunity that comes our way, every person in our sphere of influence, every hour we have, all our resources, our very lives - these are all gifts from God and we have the choice to make the most of all these, or to squander them. Much more than just abstract princples, Nowery shares several amazing stories and examples. What I didn't know was that Kirk Nowery is a colleague and friend of John Maxwell. He has also served as president of INJOY Stewardship Services, a company which has partnered with thousands of churches to raise more than two billion dollars for ministry projects. (But wait, there's more! He was also the chaplain of the Miami Dolphins, COO of Samaritan's Purse, and co-author of 33 Laws of Stewardship :)

I can highly recommend Stewardship of Life, not only for some great information, but because it's an inspirational book encouraging us to make the most of what we've been entrusted with as followers of Christ. It's not a new book (2004, Spire Resources), but one well worth checking out.

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