Monday, March 5, 2007

Now That's Theology

My Savior loves, my Savior lives,
My Savior’s always there for me
My God He was, My God He is,
My God He's always gonna be

If you don't recognize this chorus of the song "My Savior My God" by Aaron Shust (Anything Worth Saying album) then you really need to check it out at YouTube. Sure, one could learn a lot more about eschatology or soteriology at seminary, but the depth of theology in the lyrics of this song really speaks to my heart. Someone who truly believes that chorus and lives in a way that reflects it is someone who knows Jesus Christ.

What I also love about the song is how my young kids perk up and start singing whenever they hear it. "Daddy, my favorite song!" shouts my daughter. My youngest boy starts air drumming like crazy, oldest one is belting it out at the top of his lungs and the middle boy hops up and starts dancing. This happens whether we're in our living room or whether we're in the very front row at church. How many years might some kids sit in Sunday School yet never really understand or feel the full impact of the message of that chorus?

About the song the singer Aaron Shust wrote: 'I was reading my "One Year Book of Hymns" and stumbled across a hymn entitled "I Am Not Skilled To Understand" whose words blew me away. I didn't bother searching for the melody: its obscurity indicated antiquity. So I started from scratch and sang it without the chorus for over a year at our church, which seemed to embrace itas it was. But I wanted to take it over he top. Sitting at a red light one night, a melody of excitement and a lyric that seemed to pull together the concept of Christ, my Advocate, always pleading my case, was born. And the song finally exploded on the choruse like I always knew it should. i do not understand everything, but I know that Jesus Christ loves me and is alive defending me. That calls for a big chorus.'

(As a side note: It's interesting to see the variety of videos appearing at YouTube, from the song above or So Long Self by Mercy Me, to several items
fun to watch but that I wouldn't want to see happen at Calvary!)

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